I have worked hard and been extraordinarily patient. I have been given wonderful opportunities and an inordinate amount of understanding and flexibility. Ultimately however, I have only struggled and despaired.
So I made a tough call. I let go of the shoulds and looked in the face of my fear.
Fortuitously I came across a book in my library this evening called 'The Dolphin'. It had belonged to my parents and I hadn't read it before. It is a beautiful story about a courageous little dolphin that leaves the safety of its Pod to follow his dreams.
Discovering new worlds will bring you
not only happiness and wisdom,
but also sadness and fear.
How could you value happiness,
without knowing what sadness is?
How could you achieve wisdom,
without facing your own fears?
In the end,
the great challenge in life is to overcome
the limits within yourself,
pushing them to places you would never
have dreamt they could go.
It was the perfect reminder to me of the importance of listening to the voice within, to trusting my instincts and facing my fears.
Perhaps dreams are made of
lots of hard work.
Perhaps if we try to cut corners,
we lose track of
the reason we started dreaming,
and at the end we find that
the dream no longer belongs to us.
Perhaps if we just follow the
wisdom from our heart, the time
will make sure we meet our destiny.
When you are just about to give up,
when you feel that life has been
too hard on you;
Remember who you are.
Remember your dream.
I think I can breathe again...