Sunday, January 8, 2012


Popped in, albeit all too briefly, to a couple of wonderful exhibitions on display at the Monash Gallery of Art yesterday -

Brummels: Australia's first gallery of photography

This exhibition showcases the work of a number of photographers who exhibited work in the Brummels Gallery in the 1970s.  Brummels was located above a restaurant in South Yarra and was established by a well known photographer, Rennie Ellis from 1972-1979.  It was the first gallery of its kind in Australia to display photography in its own right.

I thoroughly enjoyed viewing these pictures for the talented ability of the photographers to creatively capture the essence of that time and the people.

Tim Handfield, Deep Skin

I loved Tim's photographs and will definitely be heading back for a second viewing before his exhibition closes.  Tim's ability to capture simple, urban objects and scenes was stunning and particularly beautiful.

The Doll

The Jubby Doll is coming along.  More hair and clothes are to come.  I can't wait to see my gorgeous family back home tonight but will be interested to see how well I maintain the momentum with my creativity :)


  1. Wow Jubby! She's wonderful - LOVE the hair! It's great that you've had some time to soak up some art and create some yourself. Enjoy the family homecoming :)

  2. ...yes that hair and face are beautiful...she looks gorgeous, right down to those purple shoes - how cute! Great to see her taking some shape Photography exhibtions sounds great and have a lovely evening catching up with that family of yours tonight.

  3. Thanks muchly! Family VERY happy to be home, as I am to have them :)

  4. she's coming along nicely....jubby....glad there's gonna be a part of your moms spirit in her!
