Sunday, September 1, 2013

Olson & Horwitz

Life here has continued its frenetic pace and as often happens for busy people who commence their blogging adventure with unrealistic ideas and high expectations, I have ultimately ended up neglecting mine. It was never meant to be a pressure but I have missed the rare chance that it affords me to stop and ponder!

Last weekend was a particularly stressful one. I felt exhausted and stretched, and unfortunately not in any way creatively. Then I came across this charming video about Nick Olson and Lilah Horwitz, who quit their jobs to build a house in the mountains (

I felt renewed again and with the benefit of some glorious Spring-type weather this week, I have regained some composure.

Just need to remember to break it down, keep it simple and keep breathing...


  1. Ahhhh...good to have you've been missed! Great video. A week in that house, gazing out of that magnificent wall of windows would certainly see the creativity flow!

    1. Yes, and there would be so much light to work with :) Thanks for dropping by Yenny!

  2. well, I've just had a lovely trip out to the mountains with Lilah and Nick...what a magical place they've created :)
    Thanks for the inspiration, nice to just take some time out for some "fresh air"and take a deep breath...yes "Ahhhh" indeed!
