Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I have been a little occupied of late.  Three weeks ago I started a new job and at the same time, commenced a diploma course in Visual Arts.  It has taken some adjusting and will continue to be a challenge but at this stage, I feel energised and enthusiastic.

Before I commenced my first painting class in this new course, I was informed that we would be composing and painting 'a chair'.  I nearly fell off mine on hearing that, as my last experience of drawing a chair was a complete disaster.

I had just started a Certificate IV course in Visual Arts and the first task was to draw 'a chair'.  At the time, I was severely lacking in confidence and skill.  I was the sole mature age student amongst a cohort of young, artistic and talented students.  Drawing a chair that day was definitely the most challenging task that I undertook that year.  My picture was pathetic BUT it was a start and what I am most proud of is that I pushed through the challenges and persisted.  I finished the course and it changed my life.

I still lack confidence but now know that it is only through practice that I will improve.  I don't expect to create a masterpiece at every sitting.  I am as keen as ever to learn and am so excited by this study journey that I am continuing on.


  1. OMG....is that the same chair I saw in draft????????? Love it love it love it....keep up the good work :) Just about to head up and work on my little project (after much procrastination)...getting this on line shop up and running. Thanks for the little inspiration!!

  2. Oooh, that's very exciting. I can't wait to "spread the word" about your online venture :) Hope the productive juices have been flowing!

  3. Wow! That's fantastic Jubby! I want to sit on that chair :) You are indeed an inspiration to all of us trying to find our creative souls. xo

  4. Awesome Jubby...and the colors are wonderful! Enjoy your course!

  5. Thanks so much Jody! The brief was monochrome grey on red and currently we're doing another on yellow. They do seem to make a good contrast!
